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How Long Do Long Term Disability Benefits Last?

How Long Do Long Term Disability Benefits Last?

How long do long term disability benefits last? It depends on the plan or policy you have. The plan or policy will tell you how long you can receive benefits. Generally, most policies provide that a claimant be paid until Age 65, or their normal social security retirement age.

It is important to know that an insurance company can terminate your benefits at any time if they find you are no longer disabled. Insurance companies actively monitor and periodically review your claim. They want to make sure you continue to meet the definition of disability under the policy.

Insurance companies typically ask that you complete questionnaires. In these questionnaires you will:

A. describe your day to day activities,
B. list any restrictions and limitations,
C. list all prescribed medications, and
D. identify all doctors you treat with.

The insurance company will also continue to ask for updated medical records from your doctors. They will also ask for their professional opinions regarding your continued disability. It is really important that you continue to receive regular care from your doctors. It is also important that they continue to support you in your fight for disability benefits.

Please be aware that most policies have two different definitions of disability. Generally, for the first 24 months, the definition of disability is not being able to work in your own occupation. Your own occupation is the job you were working immediately before becoming disabled. After 24 months, the definition of disability changes. It now means you are unable to perform in any occupation.

Unfortunately, it is a lot easier for insurance companies to find that you are not disabled under the new any occupation standard. Not surprisingly, insurance companies regularly take advantage of this definition change. They will complete an extensive review of all medical evidence right before the definition change. More often than not, they determine that you are not disabled under this any occupation standard.