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Lincoln Financial Approves Disability Claim for Hormonal Disorder

Lincoln Financial Approves Disability Claim for Hormonal Disorder

Our firm filed a claim with Lincoln Financial on behalf of our client for a hormonal disorder called acromegaly from which he suffered for many years. We included all relevant medical information outlining the severity of the hormonal disorder and other medical conditions from which our client suffered. As part of our claim, we disputed the request by the insurance company for our client to submit any financial information, including tax returns. It is always our position that unless clearly stated in the insurance plan that those types of documents shall be released, we do not hand over any financial information as it should not have an effect on the disability insurance claim.

Our client was a chiropractic physician who worked for over 20 years, but due to his disabling medical conditions, he had to give up his practice and file for disability insurance benefits. The hormonal disorder caused an excessive production and release of growth hormone into the body and caused the body tissues to enlarge over time, making it very difficult to carry out the duties of his practice.

As a result of our claim filed with Lincoln Financial, our client was able to obtain the disability insurance benefits he was entitled to, since he could no longer work due to his medical conditions. Having an experienced attorney assist you with the initial claim file may help avoid unnecessary appeals and potential litigation, and get the claim resolved in a timely manner.

Because each client’s case is unique and has different facts, results similar to those in other clients’ cases are not guaranteed.
