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Former NFL Player Suffers Permanent Disability from Concussion-Related Injuries

Football players in brown and blue uniforms are lined up on a field, ready to play. A football is in the middle.

Former NFL Player Suffers Permanent Disability from Concussion-Related Injuries

Football is a high impact sport. In recent years, the NFL has been put under scrutiny for the growing number of athletes who have become disabled due to concussion-related injuries. It has tried to deny the link between football and degenerative brain diseases, such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). However, multiple studies have shown that a clear link does exist between the sport and severe brain damage. CTE has now been discovered in more than 100 deceased football players.

Another NFL Player Falls Victim to Concussion-Related Brain Injuries

Rob Kelly, a former NFL player who retired from the sport at the age of 28, has suffered from a variety of side effects in the years following his football career. These include mood swings, insomnia, rapid weight loss, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and strange behaviors. In order to diagnose CTE, the tissues of the brain must be closely examined posthumously. This means there is no way for doctors and neurologists to establish with certainty that he is suffering from CTE. However, his symptoms have grown worse, causing his wife to suspect that he has sustained brain damage and CTE from his years as an NFL football player.

Rob Kelly has been unable to work because of the debilitating side effects. He and his family have been able to obtain permanent disability benefits to be paid each month, which helps provide financial relief in this stressful time. The family has also filed a lawsuit with many other retired football players to pursue a settlement for concussion-related injuries.

To learn more about Rob’s story, read this article by the New York Times.

Compassionate Disability Insurance Attorneys Serving Clients Across the Country – Call (800) 969-0488 Today

At Dabdoub Law Firm, we focus on representing clients across the nation who have suffered permanent or temporary disabilities. If you are a former NFL player suffering from concussion-related injuries, you should know there is NFL disability plan that pays a monthly disability benefit to former players who can no longer work.

We know you are going through a difficult time. That is why our team of long-term disability lawyers will work hard to handle your application for disability benefits from the NFL Disability Plan and guide you through the process.

Contact us today for a free initial consultation.