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Can Your Insurance Company Spy On You After Filing a Long-term Disability Claim?

Can Your Insurance Company Spy On You After Filing a Long-term Disability Claim?

A common concern for those who have filed a long-term disability claim is whether or not their insurance company can spy on them. The answer in most cases is — yes. Your insurance company may use many tactics to disprove your disability and will use it against you to deny your long-term disability claim.

While using surveillance tactics may seem sneaky and unethical, it’s not illegal. Here’s how insurance companies use surveillance to spy on claimants and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

Activity Logs

You may get a form (called an activity log) asking you to provide your activities for the upcoming weeks, even doctor appointments. The purpose of the activity log is to examine if your activities match up to their surveillance. You are more likely to be spied on by your insurance company if:

  • You are younger
  • Have a substantial claim
  • Appealing a denied long-term disability claim

Internet Searches and Background Checks

Search engines are a convenient way for insurance companies to find out information about you. Just by typing your name into Google, they can find out:

  • Your business website
  • Personal or business blogs
  • Your comment activity on other sites/blogs
  • Any other content or articles were written about you online

Videos and Photographs

It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to use video surveillance. They might park outside your home or follow you to places to observe if you are participating in any activities that contradict your claim. They may note the following:

  • How long you were outside your home
  • If you lifted or carried anything
  • If you were wearing high heels or sneakers
  • If you were wearing a brace or using a cane
  • If it was apparent that you had difficulty moving around

Social Media

It’s not just your ex that could be spying on you— your insurance company can look at your social media activity to gather any information that may indicate that you are performing activities in which you have reported that you cannot do. They may take note of the following:

  • Your employment status
  • Hobbies
  • Relationship status
  • Where you live
  • Your check-in activity
  • Photographs of recent vacations/family gatherings

Steps to Protect Yourself

Review your social media activity and privacy settings. Even if you have your social media account on complete lockdown, don’t forget that they can still find your friends and family members’ accounts that may include pictures or videos of you.

It’s best to completely stay off social media and inform your friends and family that you do not want to be included in their social media activity as well. Even the most innocent of posts can be misconstrued and the insurance companies will take advantage of that to deny your claim. Don’t exaggerate your claim. Be very honest with your lawyer and the claims adjuster about your disability. Any discrepancies in your disability claim can cost you a denial.

Filing a long-term disability claim can be taxing especially if you are not experienced in navigating through the process. Our disability insurance attorneys can guide you through every step. You don’t have to face the insurance companies alone. Contact Dabdoub Law Firm at (800) 969-0488 today to learn more.