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How Do Disability Insurance Benefits Get Calculated?

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How Do Disability Insurance Benefits Get Calculated?

Disability insurance is an often overlooked coverage that people often don’t consider because they simply don’t want to pay the extra benefits. However, if the unfortunate situation arises in which an individual is injured or develops a serious illness preventing them from working, the benefits can be important.

Unfortunately, if something happens, there can still be complications regarding the benefits and it’s important to have a disability insurance lawyer on your side. Understanding how these benefits are calculated requires professional help.

Previous Income

Previous income may be taken into account when determining how much you may be able to receive in benefits and how much coverage is actually paid for. This is because disability insurance benefits are expected to help individuals live as normal as possible after an injury or illness that prevents them from working.

The Severity of the Injury or Illness

Whether or not you are returning to work in the near future or your condition is expected to last a longer period of time can be a deciding factor in your benefits. Long-term disability insurance can determine the duration in which you receive benefits.

Short-term disability insurance is different in that it only covers individuals for a short amount of time.

Coverage Amount

You or your company pay a specific premium for disability insurance each month that affords benefits should you be unable to work. Typically, the policy will tell you exactly what’s covered under the disability insurance.

At Dabdoub Law Firm, our disability insurance attorneys help individuals when they have a claim for disability insurance benefits denied. We take the guesswork out of things so you know exactly what to expect at all times.

When you are trying to move forward after an injury or illness without an income, you need to have strong representation to help you in the event you’ve been denied your benefits. We’re here when you need us most.

Call our firm today at (800) 969-0488