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Reliance Cancels LTD Benefits for Back Injury Client, Cites Misdated Medical Note

Reliance Cancels LTD Benefits for Back Injury Client, Cites Misdated Medical Note

A Point Lookout woman with several back complications had to stop working as a sales manager due to her disabling medical conditions. Although Reliance initially decided to approve her long-term disability (LTD) insurance benefits, it reversed its decision just a few months later. Bizarrely, the insurer based the majority of its decision on a medical note that had been egregiously misdated, effectively rendering the logic behind their decision unusable. Dabdoub Law Firm was able to intervene and get our client’s LTD benefits reinstated.

Details of the Misdated Medical Note Case

Our client suffers from a long list of back problems, including but not limited to:

  • Lumbago
  • Cervicalgia
  • Cervical spinal stenosis
  • Cervical radiculopathy
  • Cervical spondylosis
  • Cervical degenerative disc disease
  • Lumbar radiculopathy
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Lumbar degenerative disc disease
  • Lumbar spondylolisthesis

Even without a medical background, it is clear to see that so many back complications would likely cause someone to suffer from chronic pain and mobility disability. Continuing work became unsafe and unreasonable for our client, who filed for her LTD benefits from Reliance. The insurer approved her benefits in late February 2019, only to terminate her benefits in early June 2019.

Surprisingly, Reliance turned to a “progress note” to choose to terminate her benefits. The catch being the progress note was propped up by the insurer as if it was written mid-February 2019 when it was actually from June 2016. In other words, the insurance company reached its decision using medical information nearly three years out-of-date.

Furthermore, setting aside the egregious error of misdating a medical note, there still remained plenty of medical evidence to validate our client’s need for disability benefits. Various statements throughout her medical record and from numerous medical providers all indicate that her conditions are worsening and that treatments have been largely ineffective. She is currently considering invasive back surgery at the end of January 2020 just to try to find some improvement to her condition.

Our team of disability lawyers brought Reliance’s errors to light in a challenge letter sent in response to her benefits being wrongfully terminated. We also highlighted the truth of her disability as it can be easily discerned from her medical records. Reliance decided not to take the matter further at the risk of a lawsuit and reinstated our client’s benefits as she deserves.

Disability Insurance Companies Have Lawyers — Shouldn’t You?

If you are facing a long-term disability claim denial, you should consult an experienced disability lawyer. Our lawyers from Dabdoub Law Firm specialize in disability claims with insurance companies.

Why pick our law firm for your claim?

  1. We are truly, extensively experienced with all matters related to disability insurance claims.
  2. Dabdoub Law Firm was built to fight for people who were wrongly denied long term disability benefits.
  3. We have fought every major disability insurance company and recovered millions of dollars in disability benefits for clients.
  4. We have a proven track record of success and have won major disability lawsuits that helped make new law.

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, we do not have to be located in your state to help. All our lawyers commit every day to helping people get disability benefits from insurance companies.

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