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Do I Still Have To See My Doctors For My Long Term Disability Claim During Coronavirus?

Do I Still Have To See My Doctors For My Long Term Disability Claim During Coronavirus?

During this evolving coronavirus (or COVID-19) pandemic, people are asking if they are required to see their doctors during coronavirus to continue getting long term disability benefits. All disability insurance policies have some version of a regular care and attendance provision, which requires disability claimants to regularly see a doctor.

But what happens when there is a global pandemic that prevents you from going to see your doctors? Will the insurance company terminate your long term disability benefits? These are all new issues that disability insurance carriers and disability claimants have never before faced.

At Dabdoub Law Firm, we have been closely monitoring our clients disability claims with insurance companies to watch for how insurance companies are handling this dilemma.

Your Long Term Disability Claim is Already Approved

For disability claimants who have already been approved disability benefits for long-standing chronic conditions, we push back against the insurance companies by asking if they have any proof that our client’s disability will end this month or next. Because insurance companies have no proof, we point out that it would be unreasonable to terminate benefits under the current circumstances.

Your Long Term Disability Claim Is Not Yet Approved

For disability claimants who have not yet been approved long term disability benefits, the situation presents a trickier picture. We still believe that it would be unreasonable for your insurance company to expect you to see your doctor during the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some reasons:

  • Many states and local communities have ordered residents to shelter-in-place and avoid going out in public unless absolutely necessary.
  • While seeking emergency medical treatment is considered an exception in a lock-down situation, attending a doctor’s appointment solely as a follow up visit for an insurance company would not be.
  • Many doctors have closed their office or are only seeing critically ill patients.
  • Many claimants receiving or applying for long-term disability benefits have compromised immune symptoms and respiratory issues.

For immuno-compromised individuals or those with a respiratory disorder, leaving the house to go to a routine doctor’s appointment would potentially and unnecessarily expose them to great risks. Even a risk of death.

What Can You Do?

While it’s important to comply with your policy and any requirement related to seeking regular treatment for your condition, it would be unreasonable for an insurance company to insist on strict compliance when doing so poses a health risk. In this situation, you may want to consider:

  • Requesting an extension of any deadlines to send medical records;
  • Providing your insurance company with a letter from your healthcare provider explaining the reasons why attending a doctor’s appointment during the coronavirus pandemic would be detrimental to your health; and
  • Asking your health care provider if they offer telemedicine appointments.

Our Disability Attorneys Have Fought Back For Clients Unable To See Doctors Now

Our disability attorneys have taken the above steps for clients. We have also hired independent doctors to write reports that explain our client will remain disabled for the foreseeable future. This helps block the insurance company from arguing it has no way to know if our client is still disbaled.

We believe it would be completely unreasonable for an insurance company to deny a long term disability claim because the disabled claimant cannot make it in to see his doctor.

Attorneys That Specialize In Handling Your Disability Insurance Claims

This law firm was created with a single purpose in mind: to help people get disability benefits from insurance companies.

With that kind of focus, we have:

Every day, our disability lawyers work to get insurance companies to approve long-term disability claims or appeal disability benefits denials.

With so much at stake, shouldn’t you have expert disability lawyers on your side?

If you have questions or concerns about your disability claim, give us a call and speak with one of our experienced disability attorneys about:

We represent clients nationwide with disability claims governed by federal law. Even if we are not located in your state, we can help you.

Call (800) 969-0488 to speak with an experienced disability attorney. Pay no fees or costs unless you get paid.
