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Can a Claim for Worker's Compensation Benefits Impact My Claim for Disability Benefits?

Can a Claim for Worker's Compensation Benefits Impact My Claim for Disability Benefits?

You have suffered an injury while at your workplace and you are now unable to continue working. You may question whether you could file claims for both disability benefits and workers compensation. Generally, the answer is yes.

But, what potential impact does a worker’s compensation claim have on your claim for disability insurance benefits? A review of the disability insurance policies is required in order to answer this question.

In our experience, disability insurance policies may include the following:

  • An exclusion for any claim based upon work related injuries
  • An offset, or reduction, for any money received from a worker’s compensation claim

Work-Related Exclusion

If the disability insurance policy contains an exclusion for work related injuries, you will need to be able to establish your disability is a result of medical conditions not related to any work related injuries. If not, you may be precluded from filing for disability benefits.

Offset for Worker’s Compensation Benefits

If the disability policy contains an offset for any benefits received from worker’s compensation, it is important you consult an experienced disability insurance lawyer to review the policy language. There may be a way in which you can reduce the reduction to your disability insurance payment. Coordination between your disability insurance lawyer and your worker’s compensation lawyer is important and can save you money.

Non-Financial Impact of Worker’s Compensation Claim

As a final point, keep in mind that medical information used to support your worker’s compensation claim may also be helpful for your disability insurance claim. You should submit any supportive medical documentation to your disability insurance carrier. For example, if you attend a medical evaluation for your worker’s compensation claim that confirms restrictions and limitations preventing you from working, you absolutely should submit any such report to the disability insurance company.

Can Dabdoub Law Firm Help Me?

Yes, we are here to help. Our experienced disability lawyers can help you better understand the impact of your worker’s compensation claims. We can also coordinate with your worker’s compensation attorney to try and minimize any offset or reduction

Our Lawyers Specialize in Disability Insurance Claims

Because our law firm has always focused only on disability insurance, our lawyers are experts in legal representation for disability insurance benefits. That means our disability lawyers have:

Disability insurance companies have lawyers. You should too. Call Dabdoub Law Firm to get experienced disability lawyers on your side.

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