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Prudential Misclassifies Brain Disorder as Mental Health Condition

Prudential Misclassifies Brain Disorder as Mental Health Condition

When a surgeon in Miami, Florida was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, he left the workforce and applied for long-term disability (LTD) benefits. Prudential approved these benefits on January 14, 2019. Unfortunately, the company later tried to invoke the mental health limitation of our client’s policy. This is incorrect because Parkinson’s is not a mental health condition, but rather a progressive neurological condition.

Prudential’s Inconsistencies in the Surgeon’s Case

Even if invoking a mental health limitation was an honest mistake, Prudential’s actions directly contradict a statement they made on June 19. 2019. Prudential affirmed that our client did not have the capacity to perform his occupation and that the company did not expect improvement in our client’s condition. Prudential also approved LTD benefits for the maximum duration of our client’s policy.

Because of the nature of our client’s disease, as well as the confirmation that a physical condition had forever robbed our client of the ability to work, Prudential’s attempt to invoke the policy’s mental health limitation is akin to bad faith.

Dabdoub Law Firm Gives Prudential a Second Chance

By representing our client’s interests, Dabdoub Law Firm gave Prudential an opportunity to do the right thing. The company quickly confirmed, in writing, that our client’s claim is not subject to a mental health limitation.

Parkinson’s is not a mental health condition, so this response is only fair.

Although we were appalled by the oversight, we are happy that it was corrected quickly.

Lawyers Specializing in Disability Insurance Claims

Because disability insurance law is complicated, you need to get legal help from a lawyer who focuses on disability law.

As a law firm built to focus on disability insurance, Dabdoub Law Firm specializes in disability insurance. Our disability lawyers spend every day working to get our clients the long-term disability benefits they deserve.

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, we can also help clients across the country.

If your claim for short-term or long-term disability benefits was denied or is being delayed by an insurance company, call us to speak with a disability insurance attorney today.

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You can call us at (800) 969-0488 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your free consultation. We will not recover any fees unless we win your case.
