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COVID-19: FAQs For People With Lung Cancer

a man with oxygen tubes

COVID-19: FAQs For People With Lung Cancer

If you have lung cancer, you probably have questions regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and how you may be impacted.

Read on for the answers to some of those questions.

FAQs About COVID-19 For People With Lung Cancer

Q: What is the time period from when you’re exposed to the coronavirus to when you start experiencing symptoms?

A: The median incubation period is around five days. The approximate range is from two to 14 days.

Q: Are you more likely to develop COVID-19 if you have lung cancer?

A: Currently, the consensus is that lung cancer patients are NOT more vulnerable to the coronavirus. However, if a lung cancer patient does happen to get it, they’re more likely to develop complications due to their preexisting condition.

Q: How can you, as a lung cancer patient, protect yourself from COVID-19?

A: As a lung cancer patient, you can protect yourself from COVID-19 by adhering to the following guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Wash your hands obsessively often for at least 20 seconds, especially after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, or touching public surfaces.
  • Use a hand sanitizer containing no less than 60% alcohol, especially after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, or touching public surfaces.
  • Practice social distancing, especially in areas where COVID-19 is spreading.

Q: Is it wise to use a homemade mask in public places?

A: YES! Some people with the coronavirus do not exhibit symptoms. Even people who will show symptoms at some point but are not currently experiencing symptoms can transfer the virus to other people. The virus is able to spread between people in the following ways:

  • Speaking
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing

People who don’t even know they’re affected can still spread the virus. Due to this recent discovery, the CDC has recommended that all people cover their faces when going out in public areas that make social distancing difficult. You should still practice social distancing when you’re wearing a mask.

We Can Help

If you need an attorney to help you obtain disability benefits, we can help. Our team has helped countless individuals obtain the benefits they needed, and we can help you, too. Don’t hesitate to contact our firm right away!

Call Dabdoub Law Firm today at (800) 969-0488 to speak with an attorney about your case.
