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Seizures Stop Registered Nurse From Working, SunLife Financial Terminates Benefits

Seizures Stop Registered Nurse From Working, SunLife Financial Terminates Benefits

When seizures, confusion, and cognitive impairment stopped a registered nurse in Naples, Florida from working, he applied and was approved for long-term disability (LTD) benefits from SunLife Financial.

Unfortunately, the insurance company terminated his benefits even though he showed no signs of improvement nor capability of working. SunLife twisted the evidence, which forced our client to seek legal help at Dabdoub Law Firm.

After pointing out what SunLife did wrong, we were able to get our client’s benefits reinstated.

Details of The Registered Nurse’s Case

Our client was a registered nurse certified in wound and osteotomy care. He was forced to stop working due to the following conditions:

  • Refractory seizure disorder,
  • Seizure-like events,
  • Hyperreflexia,
  • Confusion,
  • Cognitive impairment,
  • Weight loss,
  • Dizziness,
  • Gait imbalance,
  • And other health concerns.

When SunLife approved his LTD benefits, the company did not dispute any of his medical conditions. Instead, the company simply decided our client was qualified for a new occupation. SunLife made this decision even though our client showed no improvement and may have been getting worse while receiving LTD benefits. For example, our client recently started taking a double dose of Trokendi, which treats and prevents seizures and migraine headaches but has side effects like cognitive impairment.

He suffered seizures in front of his doctors, who have rushed him to the ER, and his medical records reflect he suffers from epilepsy and seizures. Statement from his physicians also confirmed that his condition has been “unchanged” and there has not been and is “no recovery expected.”

Our client even attended a functional capacity evaluation (FCE) at SunLife’s behest, the results of which confirmed he had less than sedentary capacity. Without sedentary capacity, our client cannot work in any occupation.

Instead of adhering to the results of its own FCE or the opinions of its own doctors, SunLife referenced a flawed review of our client’s medical papers, acting unreasonably under the law. The peer review suggested that our client must sustain an injury from his disabling conditions in order to be disabled, which is, frankly, ridiculous.

In fact, because our client’s conditions put him at risk for falls and injuries, an employer would be unlikely to take on the liability.

How We Helped

Dabdoub Law Firm pointed out the flaws of SunLife’s denial under federal laws and important legal precedents. We provided medical evidence and posed several important questions to the insurance company.

Fortunately, SunLife admitted its mistakes by acting swiftly to remedy the situation.

Help from a Lawyer with Expertise in Disability Insurance

Disability insurance law is complex. Hiring an experienced disability attorney is important. Because all disability lawyers at our law firm focus on disability insurance claims, we have expertise in disability insurance law.

That means we have:

  1. Experience with every major disability insurance company.
  2. A proven track record of success in major disability lawsuits.
  3. Recovered millions of dollars in disability benefits for clients.

Additionally, we never charge fees or costs unless our clients get paid.

Dabdoub Law Firm can help at any stage of your disability insurance claim, including:

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, our lawyers are able to represent clients across the country.

Call us at (800) 969-0488 or contact us online to speak with an experienced disability attorney. Consultations are free.