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Long-Term Disability Benefits for Fibromyalgia

Middle-aged woman clutches her back with her hand in pain while sitting on a bed

Long-Term Disability Benefits for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by sweeping musculoskeletal pain in combination with the following additional symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint tenderness and stiffness
  • Sleep issues
  • Memory problems
  • Challenges with moods

Researchers have concluded that fibromyalgia elevates painful sensations by impacting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful messages.

Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is often misunderstood. Symptoms can begin to take shape following an event, such as:

  • Physical trauma
  • Surgery
  • Infection
  • Major psychological stress

Other times, the symptoms may accumulate gradually over time without a distinct triggering event.

Here’s what you should know about obtaining long-term disability benefits for fibromyalgia:

Fibromyalgia Long-Term Disability Claims Are Often Initially Denied

Long-term disability insurance companies typically deny claims right off the bat for fibromyalgia because they claim the condition is “subjective,” which means they have no objective way to verify whether you are truly unable to work as a result of the ailment.

Insurance companies are able to get away with this by hiring physicians who do not believe fibromyalgia causes disabling symptoms or that the symptoms limit you to the point where you are unable to work.

However, the courts have disagreed with these physicians. Even though fibromyalgia may be subjective, the symptoms are very real and recognized by the courts.

There Are Objective Ways to Verify Fibromyalgia

One objective method to verify fibromyalgia is through the use of a tender point test. In order to receive a fibromyalgia diagnosis, you must have at least 11 out of 18 tender points.

Providing certain information can also help objectively verify the restrictions and limitations that fibromyalgia can cause. This information includes:

  • Consistent notes from the doctor regarding the pain, fatigue, and tenderness you are experiencing
  • Personal statements provided by you or a trusted third-party that provide objective evidence of what you’re going through

If you need help with your long-term disability claim, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office right away with any questions you may have.

Call Dabdoub Law Firm today at (800) 969-0488 to speak with an experienced attorney about your case.