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The Hartford Ignores Medical Evidence and SSA Determination to Take Away Woman’s LTD Benefits After Stroke

The Hartford Ignores Medical Evidence and SSA Determination to Take Away Woman’s LTD Benefits After Stroke

For nearly 20 years, our client worked at Pep Boys. She started as a cashier and was ultimately promoted to store manager in Fort Worth, Texas. Unfortunately, she suffered a stroke which left her paralyzed on her left side and incited numerous complications. Due to the severity of her disability, she was forced to stop working and file for disability benefits. Our client’s original insurer, Aetna, paid her short-term and long-term disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) affirmed her disability and paid benefits, and upon taking over her account, The Hartford also paid benefits.

After receiving benefits for 6 years, however, our client was stripped of her support by The Hartford, which suddenly and without reason rejected its obligations, as well as determinations by itself, Aetna, and the SSA. The Hartford found that our client was no longer disabled, despite ample evidence proving the opposite. This is why Dabdoub Law Firm got involved.

Complications Related to Our Client’s Stroke

The complications related to our client’s stroke render her physically incapable of regularly and reliably performing the duties of any full-time occupation.

These complications include:

  • Partial paralysis
  • Complete loss of function of her left arm and hand
  • Stroke syndrome
  • Fatigue
  • Impaired gait
  • Motor skill issues
  • Persistent weakness
  • Memory impairment
  • Long-term amnesia
  • Back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Chronic incontinence

Despite receiving regular and invasive treatment to combat her symptoms and gain strength, our client remains incapable of both routine, repetitive tasks and detailed or complicated tasks. She cannot sit or stand for long periods of time and needs help with the tasks of everyday living, including dressing, bathing, and toileting. Multiple medical professionals and our client’s physical trainer agree that her symptoms are not improving and that she is not fit for work. In fact, over the past 6 years, our client’s condition has only worsened. Not even regular chemodenervation with Botulinum Toxin (Botox) injections is helping her recover her strength.

The Hartford’s Wrong and Unreasonable Termination

Despite all of the complications described above, The Hartford hired a physical therapist to complete an evaluation, conducted a home interview, and put our client under surveillance. All these efforts only supported our client’s disability. Shockingly, The Hartford proceeded to deny our client’s claim because a paid examiner found our client was able to “compensate for weakness.”

Just because our client is struggling and fighting to meet some requirements of daily life does not mean she is fit to work. By ignoring the ample medical evidence available in our client’s case and contradicting determinations by the SSA and others, The Hartford neglected its fiduciary duties and acted in its own self-interest.

How We Helped

The company blatantly cherry-picked scraps of information to support a denial while ignoring the fact that our client cannot work nor perform everyday tasks without assistance.

Dabdoub Law Firm highlighted this disturbing pattern and showed how The Hartford hurt the very person to whom it owed a duty of care. We encouraged the company to reverse its decision, reinstate claim benefits, and award retroactive benefits.

Fortunately, The Hartford complied.

Our Lawyers Specialize in Disability Insurance Claims

Because Dabdoub Law Firm has always focused only on disability insurance, our lawyers are experts in legal representation for disability insurance benefits.

That means our disability lawyers have:

  1. Won several major disability lawsuits that improved the law for disability claimants.
  2. Experience fighting every major insurance company, such as UNUM, Hartford, MetLife, CIGNA, Prudential, and more.
  3. Successfully represented hundreds of clients and won millions of dollars in disability benefits.

Federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, so we can help clients across the country.

Disability insurance companies have lawyers. You should too. Contact Dabdoub Law Firm to get experienced disability lawyers on your side.

We can help with: 

Call us at (800) 969-0488 for a free consultation with a disability attorney. No fees or costs until you get paid.
