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Why Does My Insurance Company Say I Can Work in Any Occupation?

Why Does My Insurance Company Say I Can Work in Any Occupation?

The majority of long-term disability policies have two different definitions of disability - own occupation and any occupation.

What is the Own Occupation Period?

The first twenty-four months of disability payments are what is known as the “own occupation” period. This is where the definition of disability means you are unable to work in your own occupation, whatever that may be.

What is the Any Occupation Period?

After twenty-four months of disability payments, the definition of disability changes. Now, it no longer means that you must be unable to work in your own occupation. Rather, it means you must be unable to work in any occupation based on your education, training, and experience.

I am Disabled. Why did my Insurance Company Terminate my Benefits at the Any Occupation Period?

Before the twenty-four-month mark arrives, insurance companies will re-evaluate claims to see if you meet the definition of disability and are unable to work in any occupation. At this point, the definition is broader because it not only includes your own occupation but also a number of other occupations that you may qualify for based on your education, training, and experience.

Because the definition is broader, it can also be harder to meet. Insurance companies know this and like to take advantage of the definition change as an opportunity to terminate benefits. Although insurance companies can review claims at any point in time for any reason, most reviews happen around this time.

The insurance company will review your medical records and may even request a physical examination by one of their doctors. Insurance companies will also conduct a vocational review or transferable skills analysis to determine if you have vocational skills that can be applied to other jobs.

What Should I do to be Sure My Benefits Continue Into the Any Occupation Period?

After your claim is initially approved, the best thing you can do is continue seeing your doctors, continue with treatment as medically recommended, and make sure your doctors remain supportive. Once approved does not mean always approved so knowing that the insurance company will look at your claim again means you must continue to prove you are disabled. The best way is through medical treatment with supportive doctors.

Help from a Lawyer with Expertise in Disability Insurance

This law firm was built to be a disability insurance law firm.

That focus means:

  1. All our lawyers specialize in disability insurance claims;
  2. We have experience with every major disability insurance company;
  3. We have won important long-term disability lawsuits.

Our disability lawyers can help you with:

Hiring an experienced disability attorney is important. Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, our lawyers do not have to be located in your state.

Call for a free consultation with an experienced disability attorney. Pay no fees or costs unless you get paid.
