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Dabdoub Law Firm Helps Las Vegas Client Recover Individual Disability Benefits for Chronic Migraines

Dabdoub Law Firm Helps Las Vegas Client Recover Individual Disability Benefits for Chronic Migraines

Our client had an individual disability policy with Principal Life Insurance Company when he developed chronic migraines. Because the migraines prevented him from working, he filed for disability benefits. Dabdoub Law Firm helped our client supplement his disability claim with a functional capacity evaluation and a note from his neurologist. As a result, Principal Life Insurance Company had no choice but to approve our client’s claim.

15 Days of Migraines Each Month

Due to his medical condition, our client spent half of every month with excruciating headaches. According to his neurologist, our client experiences cognitive limitations due to his migraines, which meet the definition for chronic migraines and justify treatment with Botox injections.

When our client has a migraine, he experiences:

  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Visual changes
  • Loss of balance

These symptoms make it impossible for our client to fulfill the duties of his occupation, and as implied by the definition for chronic migraines, happen 15 or more times per month.

Due to his migraines, our client also struggles with attention deficits, distractibility, memory, decision-making, problem-solving, and visual processing. Our client’s short-term and long-term symptoms prevent him from maintaining a full-time job. As such, he is eligible for long-term disability benefits.

Functional Capacity Evaluation Confirms Our Client’s Disability

In addition to information from his neurologist, Dabdoub Law Firm provided the results of our client’s functional capacity evaluation. During this physical exam, a physical therapist noted our client’s impairments, including:

  • Impaired sitting, standing, and walking tolerance
  • Squatting, kneeling, and climbing impairment
  • Intolerance for sustained activity in any position
  • Impaired balance and fall risk

Chronic migraines affect our client both mentally and physically. He cannot reliably perform any job full-time and is entitled to disability benefits under his policy and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

Principal Life Insurance Company Approves Claims

With the supplemental material from Dabdoub Law Firm, Principal Life Insurance Company had no choice but to approve our client’s claim. We provided substantial evidence of disability, and after a good-faith evaluation from Principal Life Insurance Company, our client recovered the benefits he deserved in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Disability Insurance Companies Have Lawyers. Shouldn’t You?

If you are facing a long-term disability claim denial, you should consult an experienced disability lawyer. Our lawyers specialize in disability claims with insurance companies.

Why Us?

  1. Dabdoub Law Firm has expertise in disability insurance claims.
  2. Our firm was built to fight for people who were wrongly denied long-term disability benefits.
  3. We have fought every major disability insurance company and recovered millions of dollars in disability benefits for our clients.
  4. We have a proven track record of success in major disability lawsuits and have improved the law for disability claimants.

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, we do not have to be located in your state to help.

All our lawyers commit every day to helping people get disability benefits from insurance companies. Call to get help with:

Contact us at (800) 969-0488 or online for a free consultation with a disability attorney.