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Dabdoub Law Restores Prudential STD Benefits for Virginia Project Manager

Dabdoub Law Restores Prudential STD Benefits for Virginia Project Manager

Dabdoub Law Firm Reinstates STD Benefits for Virginia Client

In December 2022, our experienced disability insurance lawyers successfully appealed to our client’s disability insurance company after her benefits were wrongfully terminated. Read on to learn more about our most recent client success story in Norfolk, Virginia.

Our Disability Lawyers Successfully Appealed to Prudential Life Insurance

After her short-term disability (STD) benefits were wrongfully terminated by Prudential Life Insurance Company, our Virginia client turned to the trusted legal advocates at Dabdoub Law Firm for help. Despite suffering from a myriad of chronic conditions—including fibromyalgia, lupus, degenerative disc disease, and a brain meningioma, to name a few—our client’s benefits were terminated without cause, mere weeks after Prudential Life initially approved her claim.

Knowing full well that our client’s numerous chronic conditions didn’t magically disappear overnight, our fierce representatives shared our client’s confusion regarding this unethical decision and were quick to point out this egregious error to Prudential Life. Our lawyers informed the insurance company that their decision was unreasonable, given the wealth of medical evidence against it.

Our client certainly deserved better. Before landing in the E.R. as a result of debilitating pain in 2022, she was an earnest, passionate worker who thrived in her occupation as a project manager. As someone who loved her job, you can imagine the crushing weight of her shock and disappointment when she was diagnosed with multiple conditions that are not only incurable, but would ultimately restrict her from working at full capacity ever again.

The agony of acknowledging this new reality was enhanced to new heights when Prudential carelessly decided to reverse their initial approval, all because of a review conducted by their in-house nurse—a consultant who never even met our client, let alone examined her. The company’s in-house nurse demonstrated an appalling lack of sensitivity to our client's pain by dismissing fibromyalgia as a non-disabling illness, adding that “it will not worsen with increased functional activity.”

This should invoke serious concern regarding her ethics and credentials as a healthcare professional, because there is extensive and well-documented evidence to dispute these callous claims. The CDC states that fibromyalgia causes pain, disability, and a lower quality of life. People with fibromyalgia are also twice as likely to be hospitalized than those without. The NIH has conducted numerous studies to show that these painful symptoms are correlated to the patient’s daily activities and rest—all well-founded facts that support our client’s inability to work and her disabled state.

Our determined advocates reminded Prudential of abundant medical evidence to support our client’s need for disability benefits, confirming that our client’s symptoms “affect her activities of daily living” and reflect a continuous deterioration in her health. Though the medical proof would have been sufficient in itself, our attorneys were kind enough to include letters of support from our client’s friends and family in Virginia, in which her best friend of 35 years openly admitted to being “traumatized” by our client’s health hardships.

As a disabled individual who battles chronic pain on a daily basis, it’s clear that our client has sacrificed more than enough to receive the support and financial resources she evidently deserves. Fortunately, our disability lawyers succeeded in righting this wrong, reinstating the disability benefits that were unjustly taken away from our client and providing her with the freedom she needs to manage her conditions and live a better quality of life.

Attorneys That Specialize in Handling Your Disability Insurance Claims

As a law firm that specializes in helping people get disability benefits from insurance companies, our lawyers are experts in disability insurance.

Why Us?

Call the Dabdoub Law Firm to get experienced disability lawyers on your side. We can help with:

With so much at stake, shouldn’t you have experienced disability lawyers on your side?

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, your disability lawyer does not have to be located in your state to help.

Call (800) 969-0488 or contact us online to speak with a disability insurance lawyer.