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Dabdoub Law Firm Secures LTD Benefits for Chicago Deployment Specialist with Fibromyalgia

Dabdoub Law Firm Secures LTD Benefits for Chicago Deployment Specialist with Fibromyalgia

After Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company wrongfully denied her long-term disability (LTD) claim, a Chicago woman with fibromyalgia turned to our experienced disability insurance attorneys to advocate on her behalf and secure the disability benefits she deserves. Keep reading to learn more about this incredible victory in Chicago, IL.

Dabdoub Attorney Successfully Appeals to Reliance on Behalf of Chicago Client

After Reliance terminated her LTD benefits in March, a Chicago resident and former build/deployment specialist turned to our nationally recognized attorneys to restore the support she rightfully deserves.

“The objective evidence of disability is staggering,” says Attorney Kevin Schaefer, a skilled disability insurance lawyer at Dabdoub Law Firm. “The records overwhelmingly confirm [my client] continues to be disabled from any type of full-time work.”

Unable to sustain the demands of her occupation, our Illinois client’s career came to an abrupt halt when she developed a complex myriad of health concerns, including debilitating migraines, incapacitating fatigue, and pervasive weakness.

She was ultimately diagnosed with fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and depression—disabling conditions that Reliance failed to consider before wrongfully terminating her LTD benefits in March.

Attorney Schaefer calls Reliance’s actions “perplexing” and points out that the insurer acknowledged our client’s disability for over 5 years. Reliance even went as far as to offer her a lumpsum buyout, implicitly recognizing the severity of her disability.

Then, they terminated her benefits despite her worsening condition and increasing pain, justifying their decision with the reasoning that our client’s condition was


“This abrupt change is both inexplicable and unjust,” Attorney Schaefer points out, adding, “[The] sudden termination of benefits, based on the argument that her condition was stable, defies reason. Stability does not equate to an absence of disability.”

Reliance Disregarded a Wealth of Objective Evidence

Our Chicago client has continued treatment with numerous healthcare specialists, including her primary care physician, who confirmed she is “unequivocally incapable of engaging in sedentary work; her rheumatologist, who confirmed that she continues to grapple with widespread body and muscle pain; and her neurologist, who highlighted the necessity “for ongoing and intensive medical attention.”

In personal statements, our client’s brother and daughters offer further evidence of her disability, noting a lack of improvement and a life riddled with chronic fatigue, joint pain, and autoimmune diseases. Our client’s brother handles the bulk of her day-to-day responsibilities, while her daughters have assumed the roles of caregivers to their once-hardworking single mother.

“These statements paint a clear picture of disability,” Attorney Schaefer concludes firmly. Fortunately, Dabdoub Law Firm successfully restored the LTD benefits our client was rightfully entitled to from the start, restoring her financial stability as she continues to navigate the hurdles of her illnesses.

Our Lawyers Specialize in Disability Insurance Claims

Because our law firm has always focused only on disability insurance, our lawyers are experts in legal representation for disability insurance benefits.That means our disability lawyers have:

  1. Won several major disability lawsuits that help make better law for disability claimants;
  2. Successfully represented hundreds of clients and won millions of dollars in disability benefits; and
  3. Experience fighting every major insurance company, such as UNUM, Hartford, MetLife, CIGNA, Prudential, and more.

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, we can help clients across the country. Disability insurance companies have lawyers. You should too. Call the Dabdoub Law Firm to get experienced disability lawyers on your side. We can help with:

  • Submitting a disability insurance claim;
  • Appealing a long-term disability denial;
  • Negotiating a lump-sum settlement; and/or
  • Filing a lawsuit against your disability insurance company.

Call (800) 969-0488 to request a free consultation with a disability attorney. No fees or costs until you get paid.