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Lincoln Unjustly Terminates STD Benefits of NYC Senior Director with Anxiety

Lincoln Unjustly Terminates STD Benefits of NYC Senior Director with Anxiety

In July, Dabdoub Law Firm successfully appealed to The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company on behalf of our NYC client, Anna, after her short-term disability (STD) benefits claim was wrongfully denied. Keep reading to learn more about this recent New York success story in the Big Apple.

Dabdoub Lawyer Successfully Appeals to Lincoln on Behalf of NY Client

After Anna’s disability insurance company wrongfully denied her claim, the struggling New Yorker turned to our experienced disability attorneys for help securing the aid she rightfully deserves. Fortunately, Attorney Emily Quirino successfully appealed to Lincoln on her NY client’s behalf, fighting to reverse the insurer’s unjust denial of STD benefits.

Attorney Quirino points out Anna's longstanding reputation as an “ambitious and career-driven” individual, adding that her client was “in the prime of her career” prior to becoming disabled. “It wasn't until a difficult work project in fall of 2022 did Ms. X's mental health began to take a toll on her,” our Dabdoub lawyer explains.

Given Anna's fast-paced career, this should come as no surprise. Her position as a Senior Director in Commercial Strategy was a demanding one that required extensive leadership and effort, and both would ultimately take a toll on her mental health. Even after “pushing through” the holidays in the hope that her condition would change, this didn’t happen.

“Even after taking the holiday season to rest, Anna found her anxiety became extremely debilitating and paralyzing,” Attorney Quirino shares in her appeal. “Usual tasks, such as responding to emails or leading meetings, would cause her body to freeze, and she would internally panic.”

Lincoln’s Termination of STD Benefits Was Unjust, Records Show

Our Dabdoub attorney explains that her client “eventually broke down” and “bravely asked for help.” Even after approving her initial STD claim, Lincoln saw fit to terminate them without cause in May 2023 under the guise that Anna’s medical records were “lacking in detail.”

Our NYC client has sought treatment from numerous medical specialists, all of whom confirm the severity of her condition. Anna also attends weekly sessions with her psychologist to better manage her symptoms.

After undergoing various tests, the medical evidence strongly confirms that Anna suffers depressive episodes and anxiety-related symptomatology that interferes with information-processing functions—essential abilities for anyone in a fast-paced career.

Anna’s treating specialists have confirmed a range of debilitating symptoms contributing to her disability, including somatic symptoms, debilitating anxiety, and elevated levels of paranoia. By the time her benefits were terminated in May, one physician noted that Anna was struggling to leave her home at all.

Fortunately, our Dabdoub disability lawyers successfully appealed to Lincoln on our New York client’s behalf, restoring her access to needed aid to live the fullest quality of life possible in her current condition.

Our Lawyers Specialize in Disability Insurance Claims

Because our law firm has always focused only on disability insurance, our lawyers are experts in legal representation for disability insurance benefits. That means our disability lawyers have:

  1. Won several major disability lawsuits that help make better laws for disability claimants;
  2. Successfully represented hundreds of clients and won millions of dollars in disability benefits; and
  3. Experience fighting every major insurance company, such as UNUM, Hartford, MetLife, CIGNA, Prudential, and more.

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, we can help clients across the country.

Disability insurance companies have lawyers. You should, too. Call the Dabdoub Law Firm to get experienced disability lawyers on your side. We can help with:

  • Submitting a disability insurance claim;
  • Appealing a long-term disability denial;
  • Negotiating a lump-sum settlement; and/or
  • Filing a lawsuit against your disability insurance company.

Call (800) 969-0488 to request a free consultation with a disability attorney. No fees or costs until you get paid.