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Dabdoub Law Firm Presented Evidence to Guardian in Support of LTD Benefits for Dayton Campus Director Suffering from Chronic Pai

Dabdoub Law Firm Presented Evidence to Guardian in Support of LTD Benefits for Dayton Campus Director Suffering from Chronic Pain

At Dabdoub Law Firm, we recently advocated for our client's access to long-term disability (LTD) benefits. We presented comprehensive evidence to establish her entitlement to these benefits based on her medical condition and inability to continue working. Our client's occupation as a campus director for Friendship Village/Trousdale Living Communities was a significant part of her life. She cherished her job and never envisaged having to leave it. However, her debilitating health condition left her with no other choice.

Debilitating Diagnosis of Chronic Pain and Fatigue

Our client's journey began with an emergency room visit due to severe pain radiating into her left arm and fingers. The diagnosis was cervical radiculopathy, linked to a disc herniation at C5/C6. Despite being prescribed painkillers and muscle relaxants, the pain persisted. Only three days later, she found herself back in the ER, this time with excruciating neck pain radiating into her right arm. Once again, the diagnosis was cervical radiculopathy. A subsequent urgent care visit revealed left-sided neck pain, left upper back pain, and left shoulder pain, accompanied by visible muscle spasms in her left trapezius. Despite treatment with muscle relaxants and narcotic pain medication, the pain persisted, affecting her everyday activities.

This unexpected onset of widespread pain led our client to seek help from multiple medical providers, all with one primary aim – to regain her health. One such provider was the specialist at Premier Orthopaedic Spine Center. Although a trigger point injection offered temporary relief, the pain persisted, and our client found physical therapy intolerable due to the severity of her condition. Dr. Noah Foster noted in a treatment record that our client's “neck pain continues to be quite debilitating.”

Our Client’s Medical Diagnosis is a Life-Altering Condition

The relentless pain drove our client to consult rheumatologist, Dr. Jacob Seymour. His physical examination led to diagnoses of arthropathy, and fibromyalgia based on widespread muscle tenderness, brain fog, and non-restorative sleep.

Dr. Seymour affirmed our client's fibromyalgia diagnosis, which includes symptoms such as:

  • Muscle/joint pain
  • Stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Non-restorative sleep
  • Brain fog
  • Difficulty concentrating

Our client's primary care physician, Dr. Chaudry, also confirmed her fibromyalgia diagnosis in a letter to the Guardian. He stated that our client's pain and fatigue are so severe that she cannot perform simple daily activities. Dr. Chaudry concluded that our client is “unable to work full-time or be a reliable attendee to work at this time and in the foreseeable future.”

Upon submitting this evidence of our client's ongoing disability, Guardian is now contractually obligated to award her both short-term and long-term disability benefits.

Lawyers with Expertise in Disability Insurance Claims

This law firm has always focused only on disability insurance law. Because we specialize in long-term disability, our clients get the benefit of:

Call the Dabdoub Law Firm to get experienced disability lawyers on your side. We can help with:

  • Submitting a disability insurance claim;
  • Appealing a long-term disability denial;
  • Negotiating a lump-sum settlement; and/or
  • Filing a lawsuit against your disability insurance company.

The firm represents clients nationwide with disability claims governed by federal law, even if we are not located in your state. Call (800) 969-0488 or contact us online to speak with an experienced disability attorney. Pay no fees or costs unless you get paid.