Principal Financial Disability Benefits Secured for Atlanta Doctor Diagnosed with Leukemia

Dabdoub Law Firm is proud to say that our long-term disability attorneys have secured disability benefits for an Atlanta-area doctor who was diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia, a rare form of cancer. Attorney Edward Dabdoub took the lead on this case, preparing a thorough claim to file with Principal Financial, the company that sold our client her individual disability insurance policy. Our client and our team are both satisfied with Principal’s acceptance of the claim, which allowed her to start receiving benefits without the need to take the case to court.

Details of the Hairy Cell Leukemia Disability Case

For years, our client, who we will call Dr. X to preserve confidentiality while also respecting her achievement in becoming a doctor, proudly helped patients and ran her medical practice. Her dream career and life were abruptly interrupted by a hairy cell leukemia diagnosis and the many painful symptoms that come with most forms of cancer. In addition to the many cancer-related symptoms Dr. X has to endure, she also suffers from hyperostosis of the hard pallet with a crowded tongue, which obstructs her airway, causes breathing difficulties, and disrupts her sleep at night; due to this specific symptom, she is usually fatigued every day.

It is not a stretch of the imagination at all to say that Dr. X cannot continue working as a medical professional. Any sort of employment has been rendered impossible, in fact, due to the severity of her leukemia diagnosis.

Pursuing Disability Benefits for Dr. X

Understanding the gravity of Dr. X’s situation, Attorney Dabdoub got right to work on preparing her disability claim. Using his many, many years’ worth of experience as a disability claim attorney, he gathered important medical evidence of her conditions and provided clear explanations of how they interfere with her ability to pursue her career even in the slightest. In relatively short order, Principal responded to and accepted the disability claim, granting Dr. X the benefits that she needs to stay financially supported during this difficult time.

Lawyers with Expertise in Disability Insurance Claims

This law firm has always focused only on disability insurance law. Because we specialize in long-term disability, our clients get the benefit of:

  1. Having an attorney who is an expert in long-term disability claims;
  2. Having an attorney who has experience with every major disability insurance company; and
  3. Being backed by a law firm that has a proven track record of winning tough disability lawsuits.

Call the Dabdoub Law Firm to get experienced disability lawyers on your side. We can help with:

The firm represents clients nationwide with disability claims governed by federal law, even if we are not located in your state.

Call (800) 969-0488 or contact us online to speak with an experienced disability attorney. Pay no fees or costs unless you get paid.
