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Hartford Denies Colorado Process Engineer with COVID-19 Complications LTD Benefits

Hartford Denies Colorado Process Engineer with COVID-19 Complications LTD Benefits

Mr. X’s life was turned on its head after a COVID-19 diagnosis in January 2022. Although the Colorado resident survived the disease, it didn’t leave him unscathed. As millions of people around the world have experienced, COVID-19 left a seriously adverse impact on Mr. X’s life and his ability to function.

While recovery from COVID-19 doesn’t typically take longer than a few weeks, Mr. X’s condition didn’t improve as the months rolled on. Because he could no longer meet the demands of his job, Mr. X was forced to end his career in July 2022 and pursue disability benefits.

After filing his claim with Hartford, the company approved short-term disability benefits. Hartford initially denied long-term benefits, however, because it believed that Mr. X had recovered enough to perform job duties of his own or a similar occupation. In pursuit of an appeal of this denial, Mr. X contacted Dabdoub Law Firm for help.

Mr. X Suffers from the Symptoms of ‘Long COVID’

“Long COVID” refers to adverse physical and cognitive changes in some people who were infected with COVID-19. Some of the symptoms Mr. X suffers from include difficulty breathing, hypoxia, and impairments in verbal reasoning, learning and memory, and selective visual attention.

As a process engineer for Amentum, such symptoms preclude Mr. X’s ability to work because he must rely on his chemical engineering knowledge and process application skills to support various design projects. While Mr. X possessed these skills in during his more-than-40-year career, the consequences of his prolonged suffering from COVID-19 have disabled him from his own or a similar occupation.

Dabdoub Law Firm Helps Mr. X Obtain LTD Benefits

Dabdoub Law Firm carefully evaluated Mr. X’s claim and the situation Hartford put him in. In a letter to the insurance company, we implored Hartford to reconsider its denial of Mr. X’s long-term disability (LTD) benefits. Included in the evidence we provided to Hartford were the results of Mr. X’s neuropsychological evaluations, a cognitive functional assessment, medical records, and letters from medical professionals that concluded Mr. X is incapable of completing the tasks required in his role.

Ultimately, Hartford reversed its decision and Mr. X now enjoys the LTD benefits he should have received from the onset of this matter.

Attorneys That Specialize in Handling Your Disability Insurance Claims

As a law firm that specializes in helping people get disability benefits from insurance companies, our lawyers are experts in disability insurance.

Why Us?

  • Every lawyer focuses on disability insurance claims, appeals, and lawsuits;
  • We have a proven track record of success and have won major federal court disability lawsuits;
  • We have recovered millions of dollars in disability benefits for clients across the country;
  • Our disability lawyers have challenged every major insurance company and know their tactics.

With so much at stake, shouldn’t you have experienced disability lawyers on your side?

We can help with:

  • Submitting a disability insurance claim;
  • Appealing a long-term disability denial;
  • Negotiating a lump-sum settlement; and/or
  • Filing a lawsuit against your disability insurance company.

Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, your disability lawyer does not have to be located in your state to help.

Call (800) 969-0488 or contact us online to speak with a disability insurance lawyer.