Lincoln Decision Overturned for LTD Benefits for Client with Severe Anxiety and Depression

A Mental Health Crisis 

In October 2023, Ms. X found herself at a crossroads, overwhelmed by anxiety, panic attacks, and depressive episodes. These symptoms made it impossible for her to fulfill her professional duties. Seeking a reprieve, she submitted a Long-Term Disability (LTD) claim to Lincoln, hoping to find some relief and understanding. 

Her claim was supported by extensive medical documentation, painting a clear picture of her daily struggles. 

Among the submissions were: 

  • Comprehensive medical records from two therapists and a psychiatrist, each documenting the severity of Ms. X’s condition. 
  • Ms. X’s prescription history, detailing a cocktail of medications, including venlafaxine, trazodone, mirtazapine, escitalopram, and alprazolam, all aimed at managing her debilitating symptoms. 

Letters from Ms. X’s healthcare providers further validated her condition: 

  • Dr. T, her former therapist, wrote a compelling letter on October 25, 2023, stating explicitly that she had recommended Ms. X take time off work as her symptoms persisted despite medication. 
  • Ms. X’s psychiatrist, Dr. R, echoed these sentiments in his letter dated October 23, 2023, underscoring that Ms. X was not mentally fit to fulfill her work responsibilities. The doctor also said that Ms. X required additional time on disability to address her symptoms through psychiatric pharmacotherapy and individual psychotherapy. 
  • Another poignant letter came from her overseas therapist, Dr. E, dated October 15, 2023. This professional recommended that Ms. X continue both medication and psychotherapy, abstain from work duties, and remain in a calm and stress-free environment. 

Despite the thoroughness of the medical evidence, Lincoln sought further clarification. On November 16, 2023, Lincoln's physician, Dr. L, contacted Dr. R for a deeper understanding of Ms. X’s situation. 

Dr. R provided a candid account. He depicted Ms. X as grappling with anxiety, depression, and near-panic episodes that impaired her ability to communicate clearly during moments of panic. Also, he mentioned two recent setbacks that had significantly impacted her mental state: the denial of her disability claim and the devastating news of her father's brain cancer. Dr. R further observed that Ms. X had become more depressed and hopeless, even expressing passive suicidal thoughts, though without any intent or plan.  

The conclusion was clear. Ms. X’s level of anxiety and depression, along with her mood instability, severely affected her concentration, focus, and cognitive abilities, rendering her incapable of working. 

An Unfounded Decision 

In late November 2023, a turning point came for Ms. X's disability claim. Despite the detailed observations and recommendations made by her physician, Dr. R, Lincoln's doctor dismissed these findings. In a peer review report dated November 29, 2023, Dr. L noted that Dr. R did not provide "exam findings supporting this opinion," a claim that seemed to overlook the core of Dr. R's work. 

Dr. R’s sessions with Ms. X were filled with examination findings, each session providing a window into Ms. X's mental health status. These examinations documented the severity of her depression and anxiety, conditions that cannot be captured through diagnostic imaging. The therapy notes, medications prescribed, and referrals to higher care all painted a clear picture of the challenges Ms. X faced daily, challenges severe enough to hinder her ability to work. 

In a letter dated December 4, 2023, Lincoln chose to deny Ms. X’s disability claim. The decision leaned heavily on the opinions Dr. L expressed. These opinions disregarded the consistent and thorough documentation provided by Ms. X’s treating physician.  

A Tenacious Law Firm's Intervention 

In response to Lincoln's denial, Ms. X decided to seek legal assistance from Dabdoub Law Firm. This team focuses its practice on disability claims. The firm quickly recognized the injustice in Lincoln's decision and embarked on a mission to overturn it. They compiled a comprehensive appeal, bolstering the case with additional evidence that underscored the severity of Ms. X's condition. This evidence included extensive records from her mental health counselors, who provided detailed accounts of her daily struggles. 

Furthermore, the appeal incorporated personal statements from Ms. X, wherein she articulated her struggles with clarity and poignancy. These statements offered a deeply personal perspective on her day-to-day experiences, vividly portraying the challenges she faced due to her anxiety and depression. The combined weight of professional documentation and her narrative left little doubt about the legitimacy of her condition. 

The law firm’s diligent efforts paid off. The compelling appeal convinced Lincoln to reassess their initial decision. Consequently, Ms. X was finally granted the disability benefits she desperately needed.  

If you need help receiving the disability benefits you need and deserve, contact Dabdoub Law Firm today. You can reach us online or by phone at Dabdoub Law Firm. 
