Dysautonomia Disability Claim Attorneys
Helping People with Dysautonomia Recover Disability Benefits
Dysautonomia conditions are debilitating conditions that affect the autonomic nervous system and can disrupt the normal function of a person's body. The symptoms of dysautonomia can vary between each person suffering from it and because of the subjective nature of the symptoms, they can be hard to prove.
People with dysautonomia may struggle to maintain their employment due to the fluctuating nature and severity of the symptoms. Despite the clear challenges created by this neurological disorder, obtaining long-term disability insurance benefits can be challenging as insurers often scrutinize the symptoms and the impact they have on daily functioning and ability to work.
If you need help recovering the disability benefits you should be entitled to as someone living with dysautonomia, Dabdoub Law Firm can help. We have more than 20 years of experience handling claims and recovering disability benefits for people in need all across the country. We know how serious your medical condition is, so we take your case just as seriously.
Contact us online or call us at (800) 969-0488 to get help with submitting a dysautonomia disability claim, appealing a denial, or filing a lawsuit against a disability insurance company.
What is Dysautonomia?
Dysautonomia is a broad term used to describe various conditions that cause the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to “malfunction” or become dysregulated. The ANS controls bodily functions like heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and temperature regulation—functions that most people don’t have to consciously think about. For those suffering from dysautonomia, these automatic processes are disrupted, leading to a constellation of symptoms that can severely impact daily life and well-being. The severity of symptoms can vary widely, ranging from occasional dizziness to more disabling issues like chronic fatigue, fainting, and irregular heartbeats.
Common forms of dysautonomia include:
- Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
- Neurocardiogenic Syncope (NCS)
- Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)
Despite the significant limitations that dysautonomia imposes on individuals, insurance companies often deny long-term disability (LTD) claims related to the condition.
If you or a loved one has been denied LTD benefits for dysautonomia, you're not alone. Dabdoub Law Firm specializes in handling disability denials, particularly those involving complex conditions like dysautonomia. For most cases, we can help clients in all 50 states.
Common Symptoms & Challenges for Dysautonomia Claimants
Dysautonomia affects individuals in different ways, with symptoms often fluctuating in intensity.
Some of the most common symptoms of dysautonomia include:
- Chronic fatigue: Constant, debilitating exhaustion that doesn't improve with rest.
- Dizziness and fainting: Especially when standing up, due to poor blood flow regulation.
- Irregular heart rate: Such as experiencing rapid heartbeats (tachycardia) or slow heartbeats (bradycardia).
- Digestive issues: Including nausea, bloating, or problems with digestion due to impaired gastrointestinal function.
- Difficulty regulating body temperature: Leading to frequent overheating or feeling excessively cold.
- Neurological symptoms: Cognitive difficulties, brain fog, and concentration problems.
While these symptoms can make everyday life extremely difficult, one of the biggest challenges dysautonomia patients face is that the condition can be difficult to objectively measure. The fluctuating nature of dysautonomia makes it hard for doctors to pinpoint a consistent set of symptoms or impairment levels, making it easy for long-term disability insurance companies to dismiss or minimize the severity of the condition. Many claimants find themselves in the unfortunate position of being denied LTD benefits because their insurance company alleges they are not “disabled enough” to qualify.
Why Are Disability Claims for Dysautonomia Denied?
When people with dysautonomia file for long-term disability benefits, insurance companies often use several tactics to deny valid claims.
Common reasons for dysautonomia LTD claim denial are:
- Lack of objective evidence: Dysautonomia can be a difficult condition to diagnose and document with traditional medical tests. While autonomic function tests may provide some information, the condition’s fluctuating nature and its subjective symptoms—like fatigue and dizziness—are often downplayed by insurers. They may argue that there isn’t enough objective evidence of the condition, leading to a denial.
- Minimizing symptoms Long-term disability insurance companies may acknowledge that you have dysautonomia but claim that your symptoms are not severe enough to prevent you from working. Insurers may argue that since some individuals with dysautonomia can manage their symptoms, you should be able to as well—ignoring the unique and debilitating nature of your specific case.
- Overlooking non-physical symptoms: Many dysautonomia patients experience cognitive dysfunction, brain fog, and severe fatigue, which make it impossible to focus, concentrate, or reliably perform sedentary work. Insurance companies often focus only on physical impairments and ignore these non-physical limitations.
- Surveillance and IMEs: Liberty Mutual, UNUM, and Hartford, among other disability insurance companies, often use surveillance tactics or Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) to dispute your claim. They may record you engaging in a brief period of physical activity and use that footage to argue that you are capable of working full-time, disregarding the fact that dysautonomia symptoms can fluctuate throughout the day.
How to Overcome a Denial for Dysautonomia Disability Benefits
While a long-term disability claim denial for dysautonomia can be disheartening, it is important to remember that this is not the final word. With the help of experienced legal counsel like ours, you can challenge the denial and demand the benefits you are entitled to.
At Dabdoub Law Firm, we exclusively focus on disability insurance claims, denials, and litigation. Our long-term disability attorneys have handled many cases involving complex medical conditions like dysautonomia. We understand the unique challenges of presenting a strong case to insurers and have a successful track record of fighting back against denial tactics.
Allow our LTD attorneys to help with every part of your case, such as:
- Gathering comprehensive medical evidence: We work closely with your treating physicians to obtain detailed medical records and assessments that fully document your condition. We may also work with experts in dysautonomia and neurological disorders to provide further medical testimony that highlights how dysautonomia limits your ability to work, even in a sedentary role.
- Addressing cognitive and psychological symptoms: Dysautonomia often causes significant cognitive issues, including brain fog and concentration problems. These symptoms are just as disabling as physical ones, and we emphasize them in our long-term disability appeals to the insurance companies, so they account for the full scope of your limitations. We use testing such as neuropsychological evaluations to assess a person's cognitive function and confirm disability from working due to cognitive impairments.
- Challenging IMEs and surveillance: If your insurer uses biased IMEs or inconsequential surveillance footage against you, we know how to challenge these tactics. We argue that a brief moment of activity on surveillance or a limited evaluation from an IME does not accurately reflect your daily struggles or your ability to maintain consistent work.
Our Experience with Long-Term Disability Denials
At Dabdoub Law Firm, we have successfully taken on every major insurance company and we know how to beat them! Our firm has a strong record of winning in federal court and securing benefits for clients who were wrongfully denied by their insurers. We have handled dysautonomia cases, as well as other challenging conditions, helping clients get the long-term disability benefits they deserve.
Our firm handles long-term disability cases nationwide, serving clients in every state in the country. With a specialized focus on disability insurance claims, we understand the specific nuances of policies, the tactics insurers use, and how to fight back. When we try cases, we know how to win. Our track record of victories in court and successful appeals speaks for itself.
If you suffer from dysautonomia and your long-term disability claim for it has been denied, don’t give up. You have the right to appeal the decision and fight for the benefits you deserve. Dabdoub Law Firm is here to help every step of the way.
Call (800) 969-0488 now and request a case review with our attorneys about your dysautonomia disability claim.
We Represent People, Not Insurance Companies.